Rules, Buckeye Bullseye Mites, 2024-2025 (Big Bear Tournaments)

AAU Mite Tournament Rules
1. All team players and coaches must be rostered with AAU.
2. Teams should report to the arena at least one hour prior to each game.
3. All teams must be prepared to begin any game 15 minutes ahead of schedule.
4. A maximum of four team officials may be on the player’s bench.
5. The home team will wear white jerseys and visitors wear dark jerseys. Bring both sets of
jerseys to all games.
1. A zero-tolerance policy for abuse is in effect and will be enforced for all team officials,
players, and spectators.
2. Appropriate penalties will be assessed for disputing or arguing a decision of the officials.
Any visual demonstration of dissatisfaction, or use of obscene or vulgar language to anyone
at any time during the tournament will result in removal from the property.
3. The ATD (acting tournament director) cannot reverse the game officials' decisions.
General Hockey Rules
1. Big Bear Mite Tournaments are sanctioned by AAU.
2. Any player receiving 4 or more penalties in 1 game will be suspended for the following
3. If a team receives 12 or more penalties in 1 game, the head coach will be suspended for
the following game.
4. AAU Specific rule, icing is allowed on penalty kill, delay offside is allowed.
5. Body checking is prohibited.
6. Period Length: 12-12-12
7. All penalties for Mite division:
a. Minor: 1 minute
b. Major: 3 minutes and game misconduct
c. Match: 4 minutes and immediate ejection from tournament
d. Misconduct 6 minutes
8. Anyone receiving a game misconduct will be suspended for the next game and anyone
receiving a match penalty is disqualified from further tournament play (including
coaches/managers/team staff).
2024-25 BBT mite Rules
9. The ATD reserves the right to take measures necessary to ensure a safe tournament for
the participants including the modification of any rule(s) herein which is deemed to be in
the tournament’s best interest. Decisions of the acting tournament director are final.
Game Format
1. Three Minute warm-up.
2. All games are subject to curfew at the ATD’s discretion.
3. A semi-final or final game if the teams are tied at the end of regulation, a five minute 3 on
3, run-time sudden victory overtime will occur. If the score remains tied after overtime, a
3 player shootout will take place.
4. If a team is down by 7 goals any time in the 2nd period or 5 goals in the 3
rd period, running
time will commence. If the gap is closed to 2 goals, stop time will resume. The maximum
goal differential attainable per game is +/- 6 in tournament scoring.
Scoring Rules
1. All divisions will be scored 2 pts. for a win, 1 pt. for a tie, and 0 pts for a loss in
preliminary round.
2. Any forfeited games will be recorded as a 3-0 score. Any forfeited games affecting
another team’s playoff status may be reviewed by the ATD to determine which teams
advance beyond preliminary round play.
3. Use of ineligible players will disqualify a team from the tournament. All games played by a
disqualified team will be forfeited. No monies will be refunded.
Semi-Finals & Finals
1. Please refer to the tournament scoreboards to determine the playoff format for each
division. It is the team’s responsibility to confirm with a Big Bear representative whether
their team has advanced beyond preliminary round play prior to them leaving the arena
following their last preliminary round robin games.
2. Each head coach will designate three shooters to represent the team in the shootout prior
to the game with an asterisk by their names on the score sheet. If a designated player is
either injured or serving a penalty, the coach must choose another player to participate in
the shootout. Each designated shooter from both teams will alternate shots, home team is
given the option of who is shooting first, with all 6 players shooting, unless the advantage
by one team is out of reach. If the score remains tied, new players will participate in a
sudden victory shoot-out which will continue in the order already established. The players
may not shoot again until all other eligible players on their team have shot. Goalies are not
eligible to shoot in the shootout. Players serving a penalty at the end of overtime are not
eligible for the shootout.
3. In a division of 6 or 8 teams where crossover games are the format, the top point getters
will advance based on the division format and at the ATD’s discretion.
2024-25 BBT mite Rules
4. Tiebreaker- to determine teams advancing to the semi & final rounds. If more than two
teams are tied, as soon as the tie is broken, the remaining tied teams shall start the
tiebreaking process over again. For divisions where there are three tied teams, they will
start the tiebreaking process with tiebreaker b. (Exception: to this in a situation where
one of the tied teams has defeated both the other tied teams)
a. Head-to-head competition
b. Goal Differential. The team with the greater goal differential will advance.
c. Fewest Goals Against
d. Most Goals For
e. Lowest Total Penalty Minutes
f. Coin Toss
5. One, 30 second time-out per team, per game, is allowed for semi-final and final game, and
may be used in regulation or overtime. No time-out for round robin or consolation games.
6. For the final game, the team finishing 1st will be the home team, an exception where
necessary will be made by the ATD.
7. These rules may be amended prior to the tournament, with notification being sent to the
team Managers and Coaches.