12U Polar Red
Novi Bobcats
@ Glass City Gladiators
PB3U of M Dearborn
12U Polar Red
Shaker Hts Raiders #334
@ Glass City Gladiators
PB4Arctic Edge-East
12U Polar Red
@ Strongsville Mustangs PB7
Farmington Hills-B
12U Polar Red
@ Novi Bobcats PB12 Gold Final
Arctic Coliseum-North
Venue(s) In This Schedule
- Coliseum - Arctic Coliseum-North, 501 Coliseum Dr, Chelsea, MI. Phone: (734) 433-4444
- Edge-E - Arctic Edge-East, 46615 Michigan Ave, Canton, MI. Phone: (734) 487-7777
- FH -B - Farmington Hills-B, 35500 Eight Mile W, Farmington Hills, MI. Phone: (248) 473-1810
- UofMDbrn - U of M Dearborn, Fieldhouse/Ice Arena 4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, MI. Phone: (313) 593-537