Information (Big Bear Tournaments)

Big Bear events are USA Hockey sanctioned, unless otherwise noted, and the sanction number can be found on the event page for each tournament. If the sanction field reads ‘Pending’, then the sanction number has been applied for, and we are waiting on the registrar to process our application.

Rosters and travel permits
• To participate, each team must provide a stamped, certified USA Hockey roster a minimum of 20 days prior to each event. A stamped, certified USA Hockey roster will include the signature of your USA Hockey district registrar.
• Travel permits are required from all Canadian and International teams.
• These forms must be uploaded in your Team Self-Management Portal

How the Application Process Works and Team Placement
• The biggest challenge in bringing together teams from all over the U.S. and Canada lies in the reality that very few programs use the same guidelines to determine skill levels and the ones that do commonly have the same names but rarely are equal. Our goal is to determine, as best we can, where each team belongs for the best competition. We rely a great deal on your input to bring this about in the early fall and spring. No one wants to travel great distances to either win or lose a game by 10 goals. While it is extremely difficult to always create the perfect matchups, we do pledge to each Big Bear participant that we will never knowingly put teams of different skill levels in a division just to fill a slot. When you’ve decided to attend one of our tournaments, you will be asked several questions to help us with the process and sometimes fill out a questionnaire with additional information pertaining to each player on your team. This helpful information will help us provide a better tournament experience. We thank you for your cooperation.  Sandbagging will not be tolerated.
• Our goal is to create balanced and equal competitive brackets, we use an evaluation process based on the information you’ve provided on your application and supporting documents. During the vetting process, we may discover any of the following: your team is or isn’t a good fit or the division you chose doesn’t have a sufficient number of teams. Often, we find that if there is an issue, it may be as simple as correcting information on your original application.  How well a team fits into a bracket is merely a reflection of how your team matches up against the other teams who have entered the same division. In addition, our events, like leagues, create “artificial classifications”. By doing this it is our intention to place your team with other teams with a similar rating. So please do not be alarmed if you register as an A team and for the purpose of a tournament are placed in an A2 or A3 bracket. All it means is that our evaluation has placed you in a bracket with other teams that should result in even competition and better results.
• We strongly discourage handicapping your team where you sign up. If you’re an A team and are having a rough stretch, do NOT sign up in a B division. Our Placement Staff will ensure you are placed in a division with similarly skilled teams.
• However, if your team isn’t a good fit or your division doesn’t have enough teams, we will notify you either by phone or email to discuss other options.  We may recommend moving to another event on the same or different weekends because the competition is better suited to your team’s skill level. The intended purpose is to create the best playing experience for your players and their families.
• If you are not interested in moving to another event on the same weekend or later in the season, you will receive a full refund.

Levels of Competition
Predicting results of opposing teams and therefore establishing competitive groups of teams from various areas requires a great deal of communication and a general understanding of how different USA Hockey, Canadian, and other IIHF affiliates manage their hockey programs.
While our methods are not fool proof, we give you our pledge that we take our jobs very seriously. By choice, we have created an atmosphere where child athletes can participate and experience the joy of this sport. We will never intentionally place teams together that don’t belong.
At the same time, we’d like you to think of the best team in your area in any given classification and imagine the result of that team playing the least skilled team in the same identical classification in your area and what the result of that game might be. We don’t offer this example as a prelude to an excuse, but you should keep in mind that even within an affiliate where the rules and criteria for establishing teams is identical, there is a wide range of talent from top to bottom.
Our goal is to have as many one goal games as possible with divisions where all the teams are tied after their second game of the tournament. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always occur.

Start and End Times
• Tournaments may start as early as 8:00 AM on Friday, however most events start early afternoon.  
• Louisville, Madison, Knoxville and Nashville events can begin as early as 7:00 AM on Friday.
• The finals should not begin later than 6:00 PM on Sunday.
For events beginning on Saturday (MLK and President’s Day weekends), we complete round robin play by Sunday afternoon with consolation games and semi-finals late Sunday (ice permitting). Monday is generally reserved for finals and sometimes consolation games. If you have requested a scheduling consideration that doesn’t fit within the previous scheduling description like attending an NHL game, your team will likely be asked to play games on Friday. See the schedule section below for a list of special considerations.

• Schedules will be posted on the tournament website no later than the Friday proceeding the event.  
• Unfortunately, events may unfold which cause a schedule change.  Always check back closer to the start of the event to ensure you are using the most current version.
• Please share this information with your team.  We prefer parents to address their concerns to one of their team contacts.

Special considerations
• Special requests, i.e. coaches multiple teams, wishing to attend a college or pro game, or any other request outside the realm of the tournament you plan to attend should be in writing. 
• Any special considerations must be sent to [email protected] and cc [email protected] 
• A response of “Approved” must be received to confirm your request.  If you buy tickets without going through this process you may have to choose between your tournament game and your outside entertainment.

Air Travel
Please provide a team itinerary as soon as it is available. 
Our tournament coordinators will work closely with your team contact to ensure that your games are scheduled with your arrival and departure dates and times in mind.  
Please send this information (last flight in and first flight out) to Carrie - [email protected]

Tournament Policies:  Please thoroughly read our tournament policies page prior to entering our events. It will help define many of the procedures we employ and answer many of your questions.

Age Charts
All events that occur after April 1, require teams to register in accordance with the age guideline for the next fall season.